The Hidden Addiction

Resource Guide to Repentance and Recovery from Pornography and Self-stimulation Addictions
Special sections Specifically for Parents and Teens
By Nancy Sarager Jackson, M.S.
love and exaltation



One man’s journey
About this book
A counsel to parents
A caution for youth
The goal


This essay addresses the principle behind God’s law of chastity. It explores the purpose of our human sexuality and how it relates to our goal of exaltation. Why did God create bodies with these feelings? What are they designed for? Why did He set laws on how and why these feelings should be stimulated and shared? Are they strictly for procreation? Are they a physical animal instinct to be explored with no boundaries, to be freely experienced simply for the sake of relief and/or entertainment?

Some people would have us believe that whatever feels right or good to you, you have the right to act upon it…if it does not harm someone else. I’m good. You’re good. Do whatever feels good in the moment. They also believe, since we are all beloved children of caring Heavenly Parents, there is room in Their kingdom for everyone. We were all created differently and therefore, there is enough love for all. This part is true. Our Parents love all Their children. Except for the sons of perdition, everyone will be resurrected and given a glorious kingdom in God’s celestial realm. What they, intentionally or cleverly, leave out, or perhaps do not fully understand, is that God has provided three glorious kingdoms: celestial, terrestrial, and telestial. We will all receive our kingdom assignment based upon how well we obeyed God’s commandments while in our mortal estate. Everyone will have a fair opportunity to fully understand and to choose how, when, and to what extent they want to obey His immutable laws. But there are consequences for the use of our agency. “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have not promise.” (Doctrine and Covenants 82:10.) God loves all His children, but He cannot/will not fully bless those who do not follow His laws.

Our sexual feelings are far more than instinct or biological urges. We are divine creations with an eternal purpose. If we hope to become like our Heavenly Parents, to have eternal relationships and the full powers of creation, we must understand the divine purpose for physical sexual feelings and handle them with great respect and care. This essay is one attempt to explain the “Why” behind this beautiful commandment.

Chastity Brings Happiness and a Fullness of Joy

Plan of Salvation and Happiness
The Marriage Relationship
Personal Lessons We Can Learn Through the Temptations of Christ
Who is Satan and How Much Power Does He Really Have?
Purpose of Mortal Life
“Natural Man” versus Spiritual Men and Women
Doctrine of Creative Power
The Power of Sexual Feelings
Pleasure versus Joy
Married or Single
The Law of Chastity
We are in the Latter-days—The Last Days


Pornography—the 21st century’s most popular drug! What used to be illegal is now in every family room in the world with a TV. “Hard-core porn” is easily accessible to anyone who types “sex” into the computer browser. Add the word “teen” or “child” and you are racing down a wormhole of filth.

The main business of porn is to hook people, even children, so that when they are old, they will not be able to leave it alone.1 We learned in Essay One that the purpose of God-given sexual feelings is to bond us to our spouse in an intimate and sacred manner. This bond is meant to lift us to God and His greatest blessings. Pornography and masturbation work together to bond the individual to himself or herself and the images on the screen. The behaviors become addictive as the individual seeks out more sensual and erotic scenes. They don’t need, and often come to not desire, a companion.

Essay Two explores the steps to addiction, changes in the brain, and building a tolerance. Porn and masturbation are ego-centric and hijack the very feelings God has given His children to lift them to a higher plane.

Big Business
Porn is Fantasy
Masturbation and Self-Stimulation
Erectile dysfunction
What is Addiction?
Medication of Choice
Building Tolerance
Insatiable Desire
Isolated Agony
Porn Becomes Your Preferred Partner
This Addiction is Real
Grooming Society
Male Sexual Socialization
Feelings of Inadequacy
The Women in Pornography
Female Sexual Socialization
Surgery and Style
Codependency Between the Porn Viewer and Spouse
The Spouse—How Can You Become Your Own Best Friend?
The Human Soul Has Divine Potential


I am in charge of who I am becoming…but I cannot do it alone. As we experience life, we all make mistakes and deserve a few “do-overs.” True repentance requires not only a change of behavior, but also “a mighty change of heart”.2 To change a long-time, ingrained behavior requires discipline, total commitment, vigilance, and never giving up the effort. To have a true change of heart requires the atonement of Jesus Christ. Only He can produce this kind of change. He is there for each of us as we fight our personal battles. We may leave His side, but He will never walk away from us.

True repentance—turning from sin never to return—goes right in step with full recovery—never returning to a negative behavior. One cannot happen without the other. There are steps to recovery just as there are steps to repentance. Though each person’s path is unique, it cannot be accomplished without a “broken heart and a contrite spirit.”3 This requires our hearts to be right before the Lord. The result of sacrificing our heart, our will, to the Lord is that we will receive the spiritual guidance and strength we need.

Essay Three addresses the dual steps toward repentance and recovery. It offers many ideas for you to build your own road toward 100% commitment. You are stronger than your addiction, stronger than Satan’s pull. Help is available. You can do this. Never give up!

I am in Charge of Who I am Becoming
What is Repentance?
Will Stopping Make Me Happier?
We Did Not Come This Far to Only come This Far—100% Commitment
It is Time to Take control of Your Repentance and Recovery Process
Ideas to Help you on Your Personal Road to Full Recovery
Admit to yourself you have an addiction
Confession of sin
Recovery journal
Deep breath
Thinking or feeling?
Learn who you are as an eternal being
Personal mission statement
Focus on others
Find a recovery group
Examine underlying issues
Choose what you think
The brain can change
Build new friendships
Find new ways to enjoy life
Change your environment
Turn off the news
How to Choose a Counselor
Only 12-steps to recovery?
Come Unto Me
Patriarchal Blessing
How to read and apply it more like scripture


Navigating the ever-changing landscape of parenting in today’s world requires us to help one another. While every family situation is unique, sharing ideas allows us to help and support one another in our united goal of raising happy, secure, well-adjusted, and righteous children.

Essay Four is provided as a resource for parents. It gives ideas to build upon and suggestions to assist parents to be more intentional in teaching their children about the dangers of pornography and self-stimulation. It gives illustrations of how to discuss this sensitive topic with various age groups. It provides scriptural examples for family

Your role as parent is vital in helping your children know that they are beloved children of God. Help them understand what it means to “feel the Spirit.” Share your personal experiences. Tell you children every day that you love them.

Specifically for Parents
Good parenting can help keep your children safe
Good Parenting Ideas
Hold family meetings
Be the parent
Stop the Busyness
Be intentional
Teach purity, not innocence
Give your child plenty of honest, positive feedback
Give your children age-appropriate chores
Help your children see their best self—realistically
Solicit help of extended family members, good friends, Church leaders, teachers
Spend time
Lead by example
Be physically affectionate with your child
Teach resolution of conflict
Be proactive in teaching about drugs and alcohol
Talk with your children about their sexuality
Have family expectations
Encourage your older teens to date
Have family expectations
Scriptural Helps in Teaching Your Children
Creating a sense of personal posterity
Comfort and oneness
Sexuality is sacred
Thoughts lead to action; keep them pure
Forgiveness is possible
Confession is part of repentance
Strength comes through our Savior, Jesus Christ
There is no other way
There is a plan of mercy
Christ is always with you
Genuine remorse is required
Talk with Your Children
With children 3-6 years old
With children 9-11 years old
With children 13-18 years old
Invite the Spirit into Your Home


Have you ever wondered, or even dared to ask, what is the reason for the law of chastity? Too often parents are reluctant to openly discuss such a private, intimate, and sacred subject. What about viewing pornography or masturbation? What relationship do they have to chastity?

This Essay attempts to clearly explain the true doctrine behind human sexuality. God did not implant these feelings in our bodies for mere entertainment. There is divine purpose to all creation, including us. Our sexual feelings were designed to bond us to our eternal spouse and lift us to God. Pornography and masturbation hijack these sacred emotions. The world would have us believe that we should be able to explore and share these feelings whenever the urge arises. You will learn that there is much more to our sexuality than merely instinct.

Teen dating is an important stage of social development and should not be skipped. But, as in all of God’s laws, there are guideline and boundaries that cannot be crossed without consequences. Learn some of these guidelines and the reasons behind them.

Each generation is held in reserve to come forth at a designated time. This is your time. You have a great responsibility to live up to your privileges and help bring one another back to your heavenly home.

The parable of chocolate and color red
Today’s pop culture
Heavenly Father loves you
True love is sacred and eternal
Where does porn fit in?
Are there consequences to breaking the law of chastity?
True doctrine of sexuality
Are there acceptable alternative lifestyles?
Let’s talk frankly about sex
Where does pornography fit in the design of love and sex?
Why is viewing pornography so addicting?
A word about masturbation
Armed with truth
Life is like a relay race
Dating is an important stage of development
What about kissing?
Making love
Guidelines for dating
Lessons you can learn from proper dating
Lessons to be learned from and taught by your parents
Stages of porn addiction
The story of John
How to break your addiction
Isn’t just a little sin okay?
Set the standard for the world
You are a chosen generation


Remember your covenants
A mighty change of heart
What does pornography offer you?
Plan of Happiness
Human bonding is desired by all
Choose love—real love
How can I know?