About the Author
Nancy Sarager Jackson, M.S.
Nancy was asked to speak at BYU Women’s Conference in 2003 about the sanctity of human sexuality.
Her Church service has centered around youth and young adults. She served primarily in Young Women and taught early morning seminary and institute for over 20 years. While living in Prescott, Arizona, she and her husband established a chapter of the BYU Management Society for the purpose of providing scholarships to youth and young single adults. The chapter also provides mentoring and career counseling. As of 2019, the Prescott Chapter has provided over $150,000 in scholarships to the young people of Prescott since 2013.
A native of Arizona, she met her husband, Byron R. Jackson, while attending BYU in Provo. Upon his graduation, they moved to Chicago, Illinois where he attended Northwestern University to obtain an MBA. He worked in corporate treasury and international finance while they lived in Chicago for 35 years and raised their three daughters. Byron served in the stake presidency and as bishop while living in the Chicago area and as a young single adult bishop while they lived in Spokane, Washington. They also served as licensed Chicago area foster parents for many years. They now have 10 grandchildren, who are the joy of their life.
During her years of professional counseling with couples, work with missionaries, and her service to the youth and young single adults of the Church, Nancy has witnessed the devastating effects of pornography addiction, self-stimulation, and the efforts required for repentance and recovery. She knows these behaviors can be overcome through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. No one is alone on their path to purity and true joy.