A Series of Five Essays
Resource Guide to Repentance and Recovery from Pornography and Self-stimulation Addictions.
Special sections: Specifically for Parents and Teens
By Nancy Sarager Jackson, M.S.
This essay addresses the principle behind God’s law of chastity. It explores the purpose of our human sexuality and how it relates to our goal of exaltation. Why did God create bodies with these feelings? What are they designed for? Why did He set laws on how and why these feelings should be stimulated and shared? Are they strictly for procreation? Are they a physical animal instinct to be explored with no boundaries, to be freely experienced simply for the sake of relief and/or entertainment?
Some people would have us believe that whatever feels right or good to you, you have the right to act upon it, if it does not harm someone else. I’m good. You’re good. Do whatever feels good at the moment. They also believe, since we are all beloved children of caring Heavenly Parents, there is room in Their kingdom for everyone.
Pornography—the 21st century’s most popular drug! What used to be illegal is now in every family room in the world with a TV. “Hard-core porn” is easily accessible to anyone who types “sex” into the computer browser. Add the word “teen” or “child” and you are racing down a wormhole of filth.
The main business of porn is to hook people, even children, so that when they are old, they will not be able to leave it alone. We learned in Essay One that the purpose of God-given sexual feelings is to bond us to our spouse in an intimate and sacred manner. This bond is meant to lift us to God and His greatest blessings. Pornography and masturbation work together to bond the individual to himself or herself and the images on the screen. The behaviors become addictive as the individual seeks out more sensual and erotic scenes. They don’t need, and often come to not desire, a companion.
I am in charge of who I am becoming…but I cannot do it alone. As we experience life, we all make mistakes and deserve a few “do-overs.” True repentance requires not only a change of behavior, but also “a mighty change of heart”. To change a long-time, ingrained behavior requires discipline, total commitment, vigilance, and never giving up the effort. To have a true change of heart requires the atonement of Jesus Christ. Only He can produce this kind of change. He is there for each of us as we fight our personal battles. We may leave His side, but He will never walk away from us.
Navigating the ever-changing landscape of parenting in today’s world requires us to help one another. While every family situation is unique, sharing ideas allows us to help and support one another in our united goal of raising happy, secure, well-adjusted, and righteous children.
Essay Four is provided as a resource for parents. It gives ideas to build upon and suggestions to assist parents to be more intentional in teaching their children about the dangers of pornography and self-stimulation. It gives illustrations of how to discuss this sensitive topic with various age groups. It provides scriptural examples for family home evening lessons.
Have you ever wondered, or even dared to ask, what is the reason for the law of chastity? Too often parents are reluctant to openly discuss such a private, intimate, and sacred subject. What about viewing pornography or masturbation? What relationship do they have to chastity?
This Essay attempts to clearly explain the true doctrine behind human sexuality. God did not implant these feelings in our bodies for mere entertainment. There is divine purpose to all creation, including us. Our sexual feelings were designed to bond us to our eternal spouse and lift us to God. Pornography and masturbation hijack these sacred emotions. The world would have us believe that we should be able to explore and share these feelings whenever the urge arises. You will learn that there is much more to our sexuality than merely instinct.
Never Give Up!
Remember your covenants
Human bonding is desired by all
A mighty change of heart
Choose love—real love
What does pornography offer you?
How can I know?
Plan of Happiness

About the Author
Nancy Sarager Jackson, M.S.
Nancy Sarager Jackson holds a Master of Science Degree in Counseling Psychology. For over 20 years she worked as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in the Chicago area. She began her professional career as a practitioner for LDS Social (now Family) Services where she created and facilitated a fourteen-week group therapy program designed to assist and motivate adult survivors of traumatic childhood abuse toward self-healing.